Artículos Internacionales 2015
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Autocorrelation measurement of an ultra-short optical pulse using an electrically focus-tunable lens
Generation of optical vortices by using binary vortex producing lenses Assessment of imaging with extended depth-offield by means of the light sword lens in terms of visual acuity scale One-step reconstruction of assembled 3D holographic scenes Optimized and secure technique for multiplexing QR code images of single characters: application to noiseless messages retrieval Effect of wavelength on metrological characteristics of non-holographic fiber specklegram sensor Novel single beam technique for measuring nonlinear optical absortion of materials by using an electrically focus tunable lens |
2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 |
Edgar Rueda
Edgar Rueda Alejandro Mira Alejandro Vélez John Barrera John Barrera Juan Serna, Abdullatif Hamad, Hernando García, Édgar Rueda |